Cover Options:
There are three options available for magazine and booklet style publications.
- Self Cover (Prints on same paper as inside pages)
- Matte Cover (80# Cover Stock) Additional Charge
- Glossy Cover (80# Cover Stock) Additional Charge
- 100# Text (100# Text Weight) Additional Charge
- Other options are available. Contact Customer Service at for more info.
For best results, publications with 16 or less pages should use the Self Cover option or the 100# Text option as the Cover.

Binding Options
Saddle Stitching
- Standard option for binding publications up to 40 pages.
- The publication is stapled on the crease of the fold.
- Publications bound in this fashion will ship in 3 days.
- There is no additional charge for saddle stitching.
Perfect Binding (Book Binding)
- Upgrade option for binding publications with at least 40 pages.
- The publication resembles a paperback book or magazine
- Publications bound in this fashion will ship in 5 days.
- There is an additional charge for saddle stitching.